Sunday, November 2, 2014


sugar skulls on ofrendas
breathing life into dead air
people are disappearing
falling off edges into oceans
souls loosed from broken shells
to hide inside our memory
but i've turned on the sunlight
to unremember the darkness
blue sky behind snakey branches
half full of heavy orange leaves
waiting to fall into forever

Sunday, March 2, 2014

new church

two loaves of pumpkin spice bread
snowgazing through the window
season two down at the docks
green bean and tempeh red curry
now on to red wine and zombies

Saturday, March 1, 2014

mArch will be mArch

remember to try again 
even inside your crisp white envelope
i can smell the orange in the air
the rivers are plotting your newness
fields are flexing for the sky's mirror
tree limbs are tickling trunks
and soft breezes have begun to smile

Saturday, January 4, 2014


i went out looking to be broken

but my limbs remained fixed
on the way from the heart
to the crumbling outer crust
finding all cruel comfort
in stone streets of darkness

and i went out looking to be broken

unfixed on past passions
on the way to the heart
from the routine of alone
finding all new joy
in the light of together

i left the city
looking to be broken